Introduction: One of my professors likes to say “Art is Work.” I think I want that on a t-shirt because it’s true. In the past two months, I have been asked “So, how’s the internship?” by almost everyone I know. I usually come up with “It’s good! I’m learning so much it’s crazy!” If they’re...Read More
The Risks of Cheap Website Design I recently came across a business that interested me and decided to check out their website to learn more. I was surprised at the condition of the site after giving it a once-over. Dated design, poorly constructed, typos galore. Bad. I decided that I probably wouldn’t contact them –...Read More
The limitation of our in-person interactions due to social distancing has people turning to the internet like never before. Even as some restrictions lift and we try to “get back to normal,” it’s become our primary way to stay in touch, keep informed, and escape the walls of our homes (at least mentally). This rise in...Read More
Tell your story, even if you’re not sure how. Maybe your friends frequently say things like, “You’ve had an experience that many people could relate to and learn from; why don’t you tell your story?” Everyone has a story or experience worth being put into writing. If you run a business, odds are there are...Read More